
Senior Lecturer at Harvard Business School and author of Sales Management That Works, Aligning Strategy and Sales, as well as other books and articles.

Frank Cespedes
Assembling the Sales Team

Assembling the Sales Team

published in Top Sales Magazine; August, 2018   Assembling the right sales team has always been crucial. As the old saying goes, “You hire your problems.” But recruitment and selection are now even more important. Data and analytical tasks have lengthened...

4 Ways to Improve Your Content Marketing

4 Ways to Improve Your Content Marketing

by Frank V. Cespedes and Russ Heddleston (Harvard Business Review, April 2018) In the past decade, content marketing has become a widely established practice. Companies have hired writers and Chief Content Officers to run departments, create blogs and other materials,...

Find the Right Metrics for Your Sales Team

Find the Right Metrics for Your Sales Team

Harvard Business Review (site) by Frank V. Cespedes and Bob Marsh “What gets measured gets managed” is a longstanding business aphorism. But today’s sales technologies enable companies to measure almost anything, which leads many managers to try to measure everything....

Sales Productivity, Not Just Sales Technology

Sales Productivity, Not Just Sales Technology

Frank V. Cespedes, for Top Sales Magazine, August 2017 There is lots of buzz about big-data and “Sales Enablement” (SE)—the current catch-all term for attempts to increase sales productivity via technology. There are now hundreds of vendors of such tools, and SE is...

sales managment that works

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